M57 Urban Salon at Sidewalk Cafe August 21

Moscow 57 Urban Salon Pops Up

at Sidewalk Café in the East Village

Wednesday, August 21st

8-21 collage


Poetry by Estha Weiner

ESTHA WEINER is co-editor and contributor to Blues For Bill: A  Tribute To William Matthews (Akron Poetry Series, 2005 ), and author of In the Weather of the World (Salmon Poetry, 2013), The Mistress Manuscript (Book Works, 2009) and Transfiguration Begins At Home (Tiger Bark Press, 2009).  Her poems have appeared in numerous anthologies and magazines, including The New Republic and Barrow Street.  Nominated for a 2008 Pushcart Prize, she was a 2005 winner of a Paterson Poetry Prize, and a 2008 Visiting Scholar at The Shakespeare  Institute, Stratford, England. Estha is founding director of  Sarah Lawrence College NY Writers’ Nights Series, Marymount Writers Nights, and a Speaker on Shakespeare for The New York Council For The Humanities. She is a  Professor in the English Dept. at City College of NY, and serves or has served on the Poetry/Writing faculties of The Frost Place, The Hudson Valley Writers’ Center, Stonecoast Writers’ Conference, Poets and Writers, Poets House, and The Writer’s Voice.  She also serves on the Advisory Board of Slapering Hol Press, Hudson Valley Writers Center. In her previous life, Estha was an actor and worked for BBC radio.

Featured Guest Artist- Cici James

Cici James is the latest addition to the Moscow 57 crew. A veteran of New York’s downtown music scene, you’ve probably caught Cici performing at any number of venues around town, from the shadiest dives to hallowed halls of Lincoln Center. Cici’s voice has lent its “honeyed gravel” to rock bands and jazz acts alike: pop, punk, country, club, soul, or blues, Cici does it all with style and heart. A card-carrying member of Joe McGinty’s infamous Loser’s Lounge, star of several films and forthcoming television shows, and the brains behind a host of musical outfits around town, we’re excited to welcome Cici into the Moscow 57 fold.

Ellen Kaye will be hosting and performing with Ethan Fein on guitar and Benjamin Franklin Brown on bass


Check out the Sidewalk Café menu here


Sidewalk Café

94 Avenue A in the East Village, NYC

383175_202930113120432_1042276738_nhttp://www.sidewalkny.com or 212-473-7373 for more information about Sidewalk Café.

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