Philippe Bocquet


Philippe Bocquet:

Announcing a new and unique voice in the world of digital photographic imaging… “Philippe Bocquet captures the dazzling world of light and color, the sensuous and erotic nature of the world from the human form to the spicyness of Marakesh and to the artistry of neon, from food created to please the eye to sparkling interiors, and all with an intimacy and attention to splendid detail that never fails to inspire and delight. He displays an uncanny ability to make the ageless architecture of New York into exciting, majestic works of nature, as big as the sky, that never fails to enlarge and satisfy. This body of work reveals a keen intelligence behind the lens that asks only that we stop long enough to savor the shimmering beauty that surrounds us. Prepare to be awed.”Philippe, originally from France, now lives in New York City and is a tireless traveler. His photography site is a small sampling of the more than 40,000 images that make up his oeuvre to date.

For more of Philippe’s art, please visit this site:

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