Mary Rodriguez

Mary Rodriguez


Mary is currently playing, along with Moscow 57 performer Roberta Fabiano, for the award-winning NY International Fringe Festival’s production URBAN MOMFARE. Other recent performances include the BROADWAY CELEBRATES PRIDE concert at 54 Below, produced by Bryan Campione & Harold Noel, starring Robin De Jesus, Tracy McDowell, and Christine Dwyer, among other Broadway luminaries. She had the pleasure, last month, of playing for singer-songwriter Lindsay Katt at Joe’s Pub. She is currently playing for the award-winning Mary has played more than 70 Broadway scores in various theatres across the country. She plays annually for the Arts Project Cherry Grove’s Musical Revue on Fire Island, and for the Fire Island Pines’ annual musical production. Mary has played several times for the Annual Bistro Awards in NYC. She made her Carnegie Hall debut playing drums for “The New York City Gay Men’s Chorus” in 2000.
She’s performed at Lincoln Center playing for composer Robert Cronin and pianist, Jaqueline Jonee. Mary has played for various Cabaret performers in NYC including Ricky Ritzel, Karen Mason, Richard Skipper, James Beaman, Aaron Lee Battle, Rose Bonanza, and many others. In 2011, Mary started her own R&B band, LOVE COFFEE. It varies in size from 6 to 12 members and is her pride and passion.